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Christmas 2017

Merry Christmas from our family to YOURS!
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Resurrection Sunday 2018

The twins are growing up right before our eyes. They are walking & trying to talk at ONE YEAR 😊 Peyton is my Pretty Princess <3  She is super spoiled and has the craziest personality. I can’t even explain it. When she gets upset she whines and does a front flip with her hands touching the floor. After the flips she rolls back & forth, crying until she gets what she wants. Her favorite words are “bee”, “bee-yah”, & “stop”. Her favorite food is ANYTHING MOMMY’S EATING. She likes to ride in her Mercedes G-Wagon while listening to Lil Pump- Gucci Gang. Her favorite pastimes includes scratching, biting, eating crumbs off the kitchen floor, & letting you smell her feet so she can laugh at your reaction. She also loves to dance! She recently incorporated a hip shimmy to her arsenal (which includes an occasional squat and head bopping). Her smile will light up the darkest room! My Pate! Preston Jr. is my sweetest child by far. He always comes and lays his head on me at

The Twins' Nursery

 The best part about planning for the twins to come was definitely their room. ONE ROOM. TWO BABIES. BOY & GIRL. NOW, DESIGN! Peyton is our 1ST girl & we chose to go with a princess look.  I have never been this excited about pink in my life! Finally, my BABY GIRL! TWINS, OMG.--LOL BLUE & PINK WALLS For Preston Jr.'s wall we used a powder blue, navy blue (INK), & white from Home Depot. Preston Sr. got the paint for Press Jr. so I have no idea what the colors are & neither does he--LOL! ADDED WHITE STRIPES ADDED NAVY BLUE STRIPES  We did light/pastel colors at the base. I found a really pretty pastel pink called "Pink Elephant" Co-incidentally my close friend Janelle bought Peyton a pink elephant. Now, how cute is that? Quick Tips For Online Shoppers: 1. Read ALL the spec's before buying. (I could've gotten the standard size for

Update: Birth-3 Months

These first 3 months have been pretty difficult. Adapting to our "regular" lives has been everything but REGULAR. We were both working full-time & had trouble getting childcare! This really put a damper on things because  we both could not work our 9-5's simultaneously. Financially we've had to make MANY sacrifices. Budgeting has been really crazy. I'm looking into extreme couponing. Saving wherever I can... This has been stressful but we've been getting it done. I firmly believe "where there's a will there's a way". We're saving for a hybrid SUV/Minivan bc our two older boys are tired of being smushed or riding in our separate cars everywhere. LOL! LIFE HAS CHANGED! *sighs* Month 1; constant diaper changes up all night every 1-2 hours struggling to breast & bottle feed  checking on them every 20 minutes to make sure they're breathing dealing with the daily stress, siblings in school, ke


Just thought I'd share some PROpics of my twinnies <3 Taken March 6, 2017 (in the hospital) Subscribe to our youtube channel! THETWINZONE

Baby Shower

Hello! I'm 33 weeks!!! This is so exciting, it's almost time. Well my co-workers gave me the cutest at work babyshower ever <3 <3 <3 I think I almost went in to labor just laughing. I had such a great time, ate good food, & the twins got a ton of cute stuff. RANDOM: I have the dopest bestie in the world! Ok. Carry on... Let me just boast about these amazing ppl that I just got to know. I've been with this company for 90 days but they've all treated me like they've known me for years. Not once did I ask for anything or express a need.  They all came together & decided to be a blessing. Do you know what that feels like? To not speak a word but ppl all around you just genuinely want to help... No shade to my northern friends & family. They aren't even "friends & family" but I can't tell. This was beyond southern hospitality.  It really touched me. I don't think they know how appre